Minsk municipal executive committee prohibits the action!

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December 10 - International Animal Rights Day. Minsk municipal executive committee prohibits the action!

November 9, 2009 Public Association for Animal Protection "EGIDA" sent a letter to Minsk municipal executive committee asking for permission to hold an action dedicated to International Animal Rights Day in several parts of the city on December 12. That day in four parts of the city Public Association for Animal Protection intended to raise the question of non-recognition of rights to LIVING and WORTHY existence of animals in Belarus, especially homeless ones. Posters, leaflets, collection of signatures, speeches by animal protectors and rights advocates were on the agenda…

We are waiting for their reply, whether they will grant us the permission to hold the event or will prohibit it under any pretext.

The copy of the letter to Minsk municipal executive committee

On holding the action dedicated to
International Animal Rights Day.

Minsk municipal executive committee.

December 10, 2009 is International Animal Rights Day.
Public Association for Animal Protection "EGIDA" intends to hold an action dedicated to this day.

The aim of the action is to draw public attention to the disastrous state of homeless animals in the Republic of Belarus;
- to the absence of Animal Cruelty Law protecting animals from cruel treatment;
- to the absence of asylums for stray animals;
- to the absence of regular awareness-raising TV programs dealing with this problem, etc.

The following events are planned for the action: speeches by animal protectors and rights advocates, distribution of news leaflets describing the above-listed problems, leaflets about the work of Public Association for Animal Protection "EGIDA", printed information with photos and stories of animals that used to be homeless and are now looked after by volunteers, with the view of finding owners for them. Also we are planning to collect signatures in support of the letter aimed at solving the problem of opening the 1st asylum in Minsk. We are ready to agree upon the posters and leaflets with the Ideology department of Minsk municipal executive committee.

The date of holding the action is December 12, 2009

The places and time of holding the action:
1. From 11.00 a.m. till 12.00 p.m. on the crossroads of Surganov Street and Yakub Kolos Street nearby UFO centre (about 20m from the entrance). The number of participants is 20 (we have agreed to the number of participants stated by Minsk municipal executive committee).
2. From 12.00 p.m. till 2.00 p.m. in Gorky Park about 50m from the entrance, on the embankment. The number of participants is 50 (we have agreed to the number of participants stated by Minsk municipal executive committee).
3. From 1.00 p.m. till 4.00 p.m. in Yanka Kupala Park about 50m from the entrance. The number of participants is 50 (we have agreed to the number of participants stated by Minsk municipal executive committee).
4. From 1.00 p.m. till 3.00 p.m. on the crossroads of Romanovskaya Sloboda Street and Nemiga Street about 20m from the entrance to McDonald’s. The number of participants is 20 (we have agreed to the number of participants stated by Minsk municipal executive committee).

If these places are for some reason not suitable for holding this action, we ask Minsk municipal executive committee to propose any other crowded place.
We intend to invite: ONT, First National Channel, STV, LAD, the 8th channel. We intend to send out the press release of the forthcoming event to the media. The participants of the event will wear T-shirts with the logotype "EGIDA" or a bandage with the logotype "EGIDA". All the participants shall observe the Rules which are specified in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On public events in the Republic of Belarus".

Best regards,
Chairman of
Public Association for
Animal Protection "EGIDA"

Belianova Nataliya Alexandrovna


The reply of Minsk municipal executive committee, 12/02/2009


220050, 8 Nezavisimosti avenue, Minsk
Tel #/Fax (017)227 05 75, 227 68 66
Settlement account 3604201040016
MGD Branch of Belinvestbank Bank
in Minsk, Code 764  

  02.12.2009    №   03/1-03/1044  



пр. Независимости, 8, 220050, г. Минск
Тел./факс (017)227 05 75, 227 68 66
Р/с 3604201040016 в филиале МГД
Белинвестбанка г.Минска, код 764

On holding the public event

Minsk municipal executive committee considered the appeal of Public Association for Animal Protection "EGIDA" to hold the action to collect signatures for protection and support of homeless animals on the territory of Minsk.

Due to the fact that your application for holding the above-mentioned event violates Part 5 and Part 6 of Clause 5 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dd 12/20/1997 № 114-3 "On public events in the Republic of Belarus", Minsk municipal executive committee does not permit to hold the above-mentioned event 12/12/2009 at the following places:
from 11.00 a.m. till 12.00 p.m. - near the crossroads of Surganov Street and Yakub Kolos Street;
from 1.00 p.m. till 3.00 p.m. - near the crossroads of Romanovskaya Sloboda Street and Nemiga Street;
from 12.00 p.m. till 2.00 p.m. – on the territory of Central children’s Gorky Park;
from 1.00 p.m. till 4.00 p.m. – on the territory of Yanka Kupala Square.



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