Meeting in Ministry of Agriculture and Food

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Hopefully, the ice broke up!

At 15-00 on February 25, 2010 a meeting took place at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Among the participants were:

  • Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food (N.N. Kotovets)

  • Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Republic of Belarus (P.P. Antonovich)

  • Chief Veterinarian of Chief Veterinary Administration (V.I. Shvydkova)

  • Chief Veterinarian of Chief Veterinary Administration (D.E. Rubikovsky)

  • Head of Moskovskaya Veterinary Station (V.V. Aleinikov)

  • Department Supervisor of Republican Unitary Enterprise «The S.N.Vyshelessky Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine » (A.Y. Finogenov)

  • Representatives of Public Association for Animal Protection «Egida» (N.A. Belianova and S.A. Harevich)

  • Representatives of Public Association for Animal Protection «Zoosvet» (M.A. Pushkevich)

  • Representatives of Public Association for Animal Protection «Dobrodetel», the City of Bobruisk (O.V. Azaryonok)

    The meeting took place due to the fact that representatives of Public Association for Animal Protection «Egida» visited Minister of Agriculture and Food S.B. Shapiro on December 2, 2009. On January 15, 2010 Public Association for Animal Protection «Egida» submitted a 15-page proposal pleading to keep (at least) to the currently outdated «Provision….» dd 2001, and work out new regulations in accordance with worldwide standards.

    Such issues as working out unified humane methods of euthanasia in the Republic of Belarus, keeping animals at drop-off stations, techniques of diagnosing infectious diseases etc. were touched upon at the meeting. Special attention was given to the problem of absence of shelters at large. The Deputy Minister commissioned P.P. Antonovich to address the letter to the Ministry of Housing Maintenance and Utilities, pointing at the necessity to build drop-off stations and temporary shelters for animals in regional towns of the Republic of Belarus.

    The Deputy Minister also commissioned P.P. Antonovich to make an interpellation to Great Britain, Austria, Poland and Belgium via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to learn about the methods of euthanasia and requirements to animal shelters.

    Special attention was also given to the issue of volunteer movement at Municipal Animal Control Organization «Fauna Goroda». It was brought to the notice of the Deputy Minister that President of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko supports the volunteer movement on the whole. International volunteer meetings take place in our country on a regular basis. Only representatives of SI «Minsk Municipal Veterinary Station» claim that there are no volunteers in our country, and there cannot be any.

    Another meeting is scheduled in two months’ time. Reports on the accomplished tasks and further planning are on the agenda.

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