News & Press. Press

Punishment for Cruel Disposal of Cats

  • 31.10.2009
  • 3130 reads
  • Press
Leninsky District Court in Minsk sentenced the Director of Housing and Utilities Administration № 82, Elena Makhnitskaya, to a two-day administrative arrest for abusive handling of animals. On August 5, 2009 workers of Housing and Utilities Administration № 82 immured cats and ki...

Life-and-Death War at the Temporary Shelter

  • 09.06.2009
  • 4308 reads
  • Press
Those who have at least once visited the temporary shelter «Fauna Goroda», located in Gurskogo Str., will never forget their visit. It seems that no person that has seen the eyes of the animals, full of despair and hope, will be left untouched. But it has turned out that there is...

Fearful Vengeance. "Fauna Goroda" Proclaims War against Volunteers

  • 08.06.2009
  • 3403 reads
  • Press
In retaliation for the criticism aired in «X-Zone» programme (click to watch), the director of «Fauna Goroda» gave instructions to euthanize the pets patronized by volunteers. Animal protectors are once again appealing to Minsk citizens with a request to save the remaining animal...

Volunteers of "Fauna Goroda" cry for help

  • 28.01.2009
  • 3087 reads
  • Press
Volunteers of Minsk Municipal Temporary Shelter for Animals "Fauna Goroda" approached mass media with an open letter, in which they appeal to general public to render assistance in settling the current state of affairs at the enterprise. The proclamation was signed by more than e...

Death Conveyor?

  • 26.01.2009
  • 5977 reads
  • Press
The changes introduced by the new administration of the organization which deals with capturing and keeping stray animals are becoming more and more frightening. «Е» has already written about the threat which was looming over the inmates of «Fauna Goroda» last week. As it transpi...
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